Videos and Writing and Conventions, Oh My


Let us start with the conventions.

I will have an author table at Con Nooga X in the Exhibitor hall, Row B, table 8. I have 9 full sets of all six titles currently available in the Waves of Darkness series. (I am short one copy of Blood Curse of having 10 full sets.)

I will hold the drawing for the next to last Red Shirt spot in Maelstrom of Fate during the convention.

I do not have any panels this year at this convention, so I’ll be in the exhibitor’s hall from open to close each day, and wandering the con the rest of the time.

I am currently working on the second video in my Readings from the Log of the Pirate Ship Incubus series. I should have it live on Youtube sometime tomorrow.

Finally, on the writing front I’ve been making decent progress on the episodes for the second season of The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe. I’ve reached new territory on it, meaning I hadn’t plotted this far ahead when I set it aside a few years ago to finish up Waves of Darkness.

I will probably start shopping the serial around to publishers in late summer or early fall. Hopefully, I can have the first episode live by the start of next year.


Video Readings Series Launch!

The first edition/episode of my new Readings from the Log of the Pirate Ship Incubus has been uploaded to Youtube. (The link on the title will take you to the video.) This first video is of the Once Upon a Tide from Blood Curse; A Pirate is Born.

This has been a learning experience for me, and I’ve already thought of a few improvements to implement on the next video in the series.

Now it is up to you, maties, to make ‘er go viral!

Random Thoughts

I hate having the creative urge hit when I’m at work, and I can’t DO anything about it. Not only have I gotten off my regular blog posting schedule this year, I have not been able to get time this week to work on the recording portion of my readings videos. Only just today have I managed to snag enough time to collect a few of the static elements: background texture for text, images from the blog media file to denote which portion of the Readers Refuge the chosen selections are posted in, and the font I want to use for the title and captions. I bought music and a video clip of a tall ship this weekend from Pond5.

Next week, I have to take two days off (at least) for one day of jury selection. I’ll be on night shift, and I just don’t see working an 11 hour shift then staying up all day in a courtroom or vice versa. Normally I work 10 hour shifts, but the past two weeks have seen an increase in overtime. When I’m on day shift, I’m pulling a 50+ hour work week. Thankfully, my employer isn’t requiring five-day weeks for night shift (yet), so those weeks only go up to 44 hours.

It is striking me as weird typing this, and I just realized why. I’ve been texting a lot lately, and my computer keyboard doesn’t make little boop noises for each keystroke like my phone does.

I just hope if I do get picked for a jury that the trial doesn’t overlap/interfere with ConNooga. Payment for table space and a membership badge are non-refundable. Still, if it happens, at least it will only interfere with the Friday, not the entire weekend. Never heard of court being in session on Saturday or Sunday.

I still haven’t heard if I’ll be on any panels or not. If not, I can spend most of my time at my author table. It’d be nice to not have to bring books back home.

I have acquired a new fan at work in my former department (I was transferred to the prep line from hang-on-parts back in October). This was a direct result of my campaigning for The Daedalus Enigma during the P&E Readers’ Poll. One of the new hires is an avid reader and checked out the books. He’s already on Silent Fathoms and trying to get his wife hooked on the series!

I need to wrap this up. I need to shower and go to bed; and we’re also starting to get the leading edge of a severe storm front…. I think the shower might have to wait until morning. Crud.


Not So Secret Seekrit Projekt


I am preparing to start production of a series of Youtube videos. I plan to do readings using the excerpts posted on this site in the Readers’ Refuge. This idea started forming about a week ago; and it just feels like a good way to reach a wider audience and boost readership and book sales.

We shall see.

When each video is completed and published, I will link it on the relevant excerpt page as well as announce it on the main blog.