Adventure, Excitement, and Really Wild Things


This has been a weird week.

It started off with the funeral and burial of my Aunt Jeanette Hickey, my Dad’s only sister.

The greater part of the rest of the week was spent eyeball deep in research for a secret project. This is something I’m not at liberty to discuss just yet, but it will mean some major changes if everything plays out like I hope. (The gag order is self-imposed; that’s how secret this is.)

We did go and get our tree about mid-week. I decorated it today. This is our second year with a real tree. The branches are too dense for the cats to get up in it or get tangled in the lighting. I did not use all the decorations currently in the house. (There are decorations in the storage shed that have been there for years.)

Pictures will be posted once I take some.

I added more sample reads to the Readers’ Refuge in the Convention Reads and Excerpts section. There are now two excerpts from each of the titles in the Waves of Darkness series currently available.

I hope to receive a galley of Hell’s Dodo later this week. Once it is proofed and approved, it will go live in all ebook formats and print-on-demand. I will do a cover reveal as soon as I have a copy of the finished cover.

Although I have been off work all week, I’ve only gotten a little bit of writing done on Maelstrom of Fate. See the above paragraph about secret project research.

I hope everyone in the USA who reads this had a pleasant and peaceful Thanksgiving.

To all my friends and readers who participate in NaNoWriMo, sanity is overrated anyway. Here’s to a good start and your survival. I already know some of you got something usable out of it. Let the editing begin.


Since this is a very short weekend for me, I haven’t done much by way of book promotion. Instead, I popped over to Dress Like a Pirate and ordered a new outfit for next year’s convention circuit.

I ordered the Lady Cutlass Blouse in teal 565_teal2013

and the Peasant Skirt in black. 8027black

I’m still losing weight, so I had to take new measurements to get the right sizes. I’ll be selling my old leather waist cincher at my table at Chattacon in January, because it is loose even laced as tight as it will go. This is how it fit when I first got it 3 years ago. 002

I may have to buy a new corset by then, as well.

Changes and Improvements

under construction

As I learn more about how stuff works in WordPress, I will continue to tweak this blog site. The latest tweaks have involved reworking the BOOKS and SHORT STORIES section to improve and streamline navigation. I’ve given each book or story its own page and made this the parent page with links to them. The individual book pages have publication dates, blurbs, purchase links, and review links.

I have also added interview links on my About page and on Viktor‘s character profile. There were at least two author interviews I could not link, however. The posts or sites they were on have been removed since they were done. (They were a few years old, anyway.) I hope to add new interviews in the coming months.

There may or may not be a weekly post next week. Work has gotten very, very busy. Next weekend is a turn-and-burn for me. I’ll be coming off of night shift for a 50+ hour week on Saturday morning and have to go back in to work Monday morning the following week.

Oh, and I have my ticket for ConNooga next year. I’m still waiting to hear back from the vendor coordinator at Chattacon about getting a table in the dealer room and my convention membership. However, I have heard back from the program director and need to send her a list of panel subjects I’d be willing to do. 2016 will be the first year I’ve sat on any panels at Chattacon.

That reminds me. I need to add an Appearances page. werkwerkwerk

Blood Curse (Waves of Darkness #1) ~ by Tamara A. Lowery – 4.5 Stars

Thanks for the fantastic review, Kim. I hope the rest of the series satisfies as well.

Also, a heads up to my readers/followers: I’ll be doing some reorganizing of the books and short stories page on the blog this weekend. Hopefully, this will make navigation more streamlined.

By Hook Or By Book

BloodCurse4.I received this e-book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Synopsis: Known as Bloody Vik Brandee, Viktor Brandewyne had a reputation as a bloodthirsty pirate. The world would soon learn just how bloodthirsty he had become. Thanks to the vengeful curse of a powerful witch, he had become a vampire. However, since he was cursed, rather than bitten, he was not vulnerable to daylight or holy items. As curses went, he didn’t think it was all that bad, until Mother Celie, his foster mother and a witch in her own right, informed him that the curse would eventually destroy him. Now he finds himself in a race against time to find the seven Sisters of Power and gain some of their magic in order to survive the curse. He is aided in his quest by Hezekiah Grimm, his first mate; Belladonna, a siren and sea witch…

View original post 506 more words

Writing Update and Blog Construction

reading-nook oside_tunnelview

If you will direct your gaze to the menu bar, you will notice I’ve added a “Readers’ Refuge” set of pages. This section is still under construction, but already has some content ready for viewing.

Under the “Once Upon a Tide…” heading I’ve added the prologue from Blood Curse, the first book in the Waves of Darkness series: A Pirate is Born

This vignette tells of Viktor Brandewyne’s first recorded act of piracy.

I will add another entry to the Readers’ Refuge next weekend.

In writing news: I am up to chapter 29 with my final (hopefully) revision of Hell’s Dodo (Waves of Darkness book 5). I hope to finish with it this week and get it back to my editor for publication.