House Hunt Bumps Book Cover… Again

Yup, this was another weekend of just household errands and a LOT of real estate site browsing as well as a house showing. No painting was accomplished, but I’m about to poke my publisher after I finish this post. I also want to make sure they weren’t in Harvey’s path (they’re in the Austin area NOT the Houston area, at least).

Plus, I’m trying to think of panel topic suggestions to give Joe Dog for HallowCon, since he asked all his guests for such. He’d like to have the suggestions by Labor Day weekend. It’ll also help him promo the con at DragonCon.

Also, I’ve started on a between-the-episodes vignette for season 3 of The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe. It will be part of the bonus material for the third omnibus, of course… and it will be quite naughty.

To say I’m mentally scattered right now is a bit of an understatement.

Mystery Revealed and Progress

Okay, last weekend’s mysterious time sensitive preemptor of my activities was house hunting. My husband and I have been searching for a place to call our forever home off and on. We’ve finally been given information which would make the idea of owning our own home more than just a pipe dream for if we win one of the various lotteries.

We spotted a place last weekend two days after it was listed which would have met most of our needs and was in our price range, so we put in an offer for it. The first part of last week was spent waiting to hear back from the seller.

We didn’t get it. Either one of the other bids was better, or just got made before ours.

So, the search continues; but there’s no pressing urgency.

This weekend, I’ve made good progress on the cover art for Maelstrom of Fate despite getting sucked into reading the archives of the web comic Grrl Power by Dave Barrack. Like I didn’t follow enough web comics already. Thanks, Tanarian… this one is all your fault for getting me hooked on it.

I’ve started writing episode 25 for The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe. I’ve mapped out most of the plot points for season three. I realize I may have already told you this, but I wanted to be sure.

Meanwhile, a cat for your viewing pleasure.


Louie among the miniature fleet and the cat statues. He’s taken to sleeping above my head on my pillow this week.

Thursday Morning Ramblings – 8/17/17

I couldn’t agree more.

Big Owl's Tree

I have friends from every end of the political spectrum. Within my circle, there are gay liberals, a gay conservative, transgender individuals, a handful of homophobes, educators, financial advisors, ministers, truck drivers, mechanics, artists, musicians, moderate conservatives, proud Trump supporters, and even a couple of Baltimore Ravens fans. These people are my friends because each and every one of them treats me with love and respect, and while we may sometimes bicker over politics or policies, at the end of the day, I know my friends have good hearts. Liberal or conservative or moderate, the vast majority of people just want to live in peace, work at a job they enjoy, and make certain that their children are safe and happy. That’s the real American Dream.

However, I will say this as succinctly and clearly as I can. If you believe that other people are not worthy of the same…

View original post 254 more words

Gonna Keep It Brief and Mysteeeerious

Almost no progress was made this weekend on the cover art for Maelstrom of Fate. Other, more pressing matters took priority. Don’t worry; it wasn’t anything of an emergency nature; but it was very time sensitive and cropped up unplanned.

I may have a non-book related announcement to make in next week’s post; it depends on the outcome of this weekend’s unexpected events.

I’ll leave it to you to speculate what the heck I’m going on about.


I will say I got quite a bit mapped out in plot points and notes for season 3 of The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe this week. It helps to have notes, but I refuse to do an outline. I prefer a more organic approach to my writing. I tend to use a blend of plotting and pantsing. I really need to get the ball rolling on shopping the serial to publishers, but I’m facing the editing process on Maelstrom in the next few weeks if it’s to be out on time. After October, there will be activity toward getting TAoPaW launched and into yer grubby little paws.

Everything but the Kitchen Sink

Well, maybe that is an exaggeration.

First, allow me to apologize for not posting last weekend. There has been way too much going on the past two weeks.

Last weekend I was dealing with care for a loved one after an ER visit. Nothing deadly serious; just an abscess that couldn’t wait for an appointment to be drained. It has required daily cleaning and re-packing while it heals.

I have made good progress on The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe. I’m currently writing on episode 24 which will end season 2. I’ve got some ideas for season 3; I just need to plot out what order to attack them in.

I finally got a chance to get some painting in on the cover art for Maelstrom of Fate this afternoon. I’ve gotten both of the background elements in the upper corners done. Next up is the central portrait of Viktor, then finally the foreground element at the bottom.

I’m also currently sporting a slightly mauled right arm.

Cricket did NOT take well to being placed in a carrier for a trip to the vet. He’s been suffering from chronic , explosive diarrhea; meaning I’ve had to hunt for and clean up several puddles of poo every day. Because of this, he hasn’t been gaining any weight and is on the thin side of a healthy weight. Thankfully, no parasites were detected, although his intestinal bacterial balance was off.

They sent him home with a ten day regimen of antibiotics for him as well as de-wormer (for just in case) and ear mite treatment for all five cats.

Star will not be receiving the ear mite treatment.

She freaked when I gave her the de-wormer and turned into a tiny, demonic ball of razor-tipped fury every time we tried to catch her to treat her ears. For such a tiny thing, she’s all muscle and can jump up the wall nearly six feet. It’s not worth hurting her or her hurting us… and before anyone offer advice on how to safely catch her; we’ve tried several methods. she’s just too fast and too vicious. She goes thermo-nuclear.

For those of you unfamiliar with the size of a full-grown cat with some Tonkinese ancestry, perhaps this picture will give you some perspective (Star is 3 and the only member of her litter to exhibit this genetic trace).


She’s the blue in the corner. The other two are Wally and Louie, my 9-year-olds, weighing in at about 15 pounds each. At a guess, I’d say Star weighs 6 pounds. (The pirate kitty painting is leaning in the corner because I don’t really have a place to hang it yet.)

That’s about all I have for now. Hopefully I can get the cover art done this coming weekend.

Oops, forgot about a current aggravation. XFinity OnDemand won’t let me watch last week’s episode of Deadliest Catch apparently because Discovery keeps re-airing it. Trouble is, they air it at times that are NEVER convenient for my work schedule. Every episode prior to last week’s has been available the day after the first airing. WTF?

Okay, other than the new fridge to replace the one we have to defrost at least twice a week (it’s 11 years old) getting delivered sometime this afternoon, that’s all I have. Time to leave for work now. see ya next Sunday or Monday.