Art Progress

002Just finished cleaning up the cover template for The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe. This design will be used for every episode as well as the annual omnibus with the individual titles, episode numbers, color and artwork to be inserted.

I’m considering including B&W copies of the episode art in the omnibus as coloring pages for part of the bonus material.

Pre-con Diversion


Sorry for such a drop-down to the image. While I was able to clean up the clutter on the original sketch, I couldn’t get my ancient computer to let me crop the darn thing. Maybe because I saved it as a .png? I’m really not that tech savvy, and I don’t have the kind of time needed to play around with programs to truly get the hang of them. (I used MS Paint to edit the pic, for crying out loud.)

Anywho, this is a sketch I drew of Viktor during one of the slow times at my table at Chattacon last month.

While I will be attending ConNooga this weekend, I am not running a table this year. Finances are a bit tight with the new house and learning the hard way I have the highest charging water and electric utilities in the county.

That being said, I do still have several copies of all 7 titles in the Waves of Darkness series available. If anyone is going to be at the con and is interested in purchasing them, look for the middle-aged pirate wench pushing a roller bag around. If I don’t have the title you want with me Friday, we can just set up a time to meet Saturday or Sunday, and I’ll bring it/them then.

Interim Post

Sorry for my irregularity in posting lately. Not sure how long it will be before I get back to a regular schedule with the site. There has been a major change in my job responsibilities and work schedule, plus still getting my new house in order.

However, in case you haven’t noticed, I’ve opened my Smugglers Cove and Hucksters Haven as a showcase for the various vendors, authors, artists, and other enterprising convention attendees I’ve met over the years. Look for new content and updates on the page at least once a month.