Merry Christmas and an Update


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Had my picture taken with the Salvation Army Santa bell ringer outside the grocer just 5 minutes from my “new” (40-year-old) home a couple of weeks ago.

My office/studio is getting in shape. I was a bit irritated to have to order a new power cord for my printer (which will not arrive until next week/year). Guess I should have unplugged it from the device before I boxed it up to move. The plug prongs broke off. Thanks to a pair of tweezers, I was able to extricate them from the printer’s receptacle. I still have a lot of organizing to do in here; but most of the stuff is unpacked, at least.

I’ll soon have a proper library! There was room in the den for the eating table and chairs, so bookcases will be going into the dining room. No more books piled on the floor (for now, at least).

Speaking of books… Maelstrom of Fate is in the running in the Horror Novel category for this year’s Preditors and Editors Readers Poll! Be sure to place your vote! The six previous titles in the Waves of Darkness series have placed in the top ten during their respective years. I would dearly love to see the series sweep as a set.

Maelstrom of Fate proposed coverAlso, if you’re looking for a way to spend that money Grandma sent or the cash you plan to get back from returning unwanted gifts, you could do much worse than buy a copy of one of my books (be it digital or print). Remember, I’ve posted purchase links on each book’s landing page on this site. (Hey, I’ve got a mortgage to pay, after all.)

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday.



Wally and Louie hope in vain for a faucet drip.

Changes and adjustments have been made and are being made… and will be made for probably the next few months.

The past two weekends have been taken up with relocating, packing, and unpacking. Stairs are involved. 11 hour shifts have prohibited any progress during weekdays. My office is almost like I want it; just a few more things to bring up from the garage and unpack.

I also finally got around to fluffing the Christmas tree to prep it for decorating. Usually the silly thing is fully lit and decorated by Thanksgiving weekend. That didn’t happen this year for obvious reasons.

The cats are tickled with the new place; although for the first week it was as if we only had the two older boys. The gray babies stayed hidden for the most part. They’ve calmed down now, though.

I’d post more news, but I’m beat right now. Plus, I have to go into work an hour earlier than usual tomorrow morning for some unknown reason. That means I have to get up around 2 am. I am at least half the distance to my job that I was, though.

My biggest non-move related accomplishment today was getting my Christmas cards done and ready for pick up tomorrow.

The Sounds of Silence

Sorry I’ve not posted the past few weeks. Things have been in transition here for me… in a good way, but a very time-consuming and busy way.

In fact, this is just a quick post to let you know I’m still around. I just don’t have much free time at the moment. Much still needs to be sorted and organized… plus Holidays.

I will give a more thorough update when I can.

And not to forget…

Brandon Garrison, a coworker and one of the Red Shirt winners for Maelstrom of Fate, was killed this past Thursday morning in a head-on collision on his way home from work. He leaves behind a wife and two small daughters. My condolences and prayers go out to his family.