Con Prep and Other News

Chattacon41 Chattacon 41 is nearly upon us. I’ve been busy today making sure I have everything ready for my Dealer room table as well as the panels I’m on. I’ve packed my books. (Ten full sets of each title.)


I will be offering discounts on purchases of three or more titles. However, because of the rules, I do have to charge the local 9.25% sales tax on all purchases as a registered dealer.

I am also offering a leather waist cincher for sale at my table. It is too large for me now. It is reversible black/brown leather with front and back parachute cord lacing. I’m asking $30 USD.


Another item I’m trying to sell is a stainless steel necklace I received for Christmas that is a duplicate of one I’ve had for a couple of years. 008

In other news, I added a new excerpt from Hell’s Dodo to the Convention Reads and Excerpts section of the Readers’ Refuge: “Hunting In New Orleans.” I came across a hard copy I used at LibertyCon last year and realized I’d neglected to post it here.

I’ve already started to get programming emails from the Lit Track directors for both ConNooga and LibertyCon. Nothing like the first convention of the year to get everyone on the ball for the others at the same venue later in the year.

There is another convention at the Chattanooga Choo Choo this year in April, but I may not be able to attend and will not be a dealer at if I do attend, since my current books don’t really fall into the genre represented. Steampunk and Goth Expo My Steampunk serial The Adventures of Pigg and Woolfe got put on the back burner a couple of years ago to allow me to concentrate on the Waves of Darkness series.

On the writing front, I am working on chapter 10 of Maelstrom of Fate. I’d hoped to be further along than that, but given my writing schedule and habits (I do most of my writing during work breaks) I’m not too disappointed. It didn’t help that my main character was dealing with difficult emotions and a mental state not easy to write about for the first few chapters. It was not an easy mindset to get in and out of daily.

One of my biggest goals this year is to survive all the political diatribe from all sides without committing mayhem over it. I loathe politics, and I’m already sick to the teeth of political posturing and propagandizing. While I’m not sure yet of whom I will vote for, since who is ultimately running has not been determined yet, I do know whom I will NOT vote for. My choices on this are my own and very private. I ask that people please not try to get all evangelical about their chosen candidate around me, regardless of who that candidate is.

I don’t want to hear it.

Thank you, and I apologize for the minor rant. I’ll make my convention report next Monday.

Bizzy Stuff

My Seekrit Projekt is coming along and has entered the first “wait for it” segment for me in regards to results.

Although the Official Final Results have not been made available, voting in the 2015 Preditors and Editors Readers Poll has ended. The unofficial standings for Hell’s Dodo are a two-way tie for 6th in Horror Novel and 10th in Science Fiction/Fantasy Novel. Thank you!

[I will post the official results on the book’s page along with the top ten badge(s) once I receive them.]

Meanwhile, prep for my first convention of the year has begun. Still waiting for my book order to arrive. I’ve gotten a copy of the events/panels/activities schedule for the con and posted my personal schedule to the Appearances page. I look forward to seeing everyone who can make it there. Chattacon41

The Final Push

The 2015 Preditors and Editors Readers Poll is almost over. There are only four days left to vote for your favorite books!

For the past two days, Hell’s Dodo has held steady in a two-way tie for 6th place in the Horror Novel category and a solid 9th place in the Science Fiction/Fantasy Novel category. While these standings meet my aspirations of getting a Top Ten spot in Horror for every title available in my Waves of Darkness series and getting into the Top Ten in Sci-fi/Fantasy for the first time, it’s not a done deal yet.


It’s time to gear up and take this ship by storm, mates!

All you have to do is go to and vote. It’s easy and it’s free.

Thank you all for your continued support and visit the book’s page and the Readers Refuge to see what I’m asking you to vote for.

P&E Update and Other Stuff (HNY)

It would figure I’d make my first post of 2016 here two days late. Sorry about that.

Anywho, Hell’s Dodo has been doing well in the Preditors and Editors Readers Poll. (Yoyo-ing a bit, but that’s to be expected.) A few of the characters have lent a hand promoting/begging-for-votes on FB. Today is Mr. Grimm’s turn.

Hezekiah Grimm model Thomas Gunter Hezekiah Grimm aka the Reaper [model Thomas Gunter courtesy of Invicta’s Art Photography]

There are nine days left to vote. This morning’s standings are 5th in Horror Novel and 7th in Science Fiction/Fantasy Novel. I sincerely thank you all for your continued support! Please encourage others to vote, as well.

Now for the “other stuff.”

Although the tree has been undecorated since New Year’s day, we just put it out today. Probably gonna be picking tree needles out of the carpet for months.

I still need to inventory my stock of print copies of the series to see what I need to order for the upcoming conventions.

Speaking of… this will be my first year to sit as a panelist at Chattacon. As soon as I get a schedule from them I will post it here. I will be at my table in the Dealer Room when not on a panel (during dealer room hours, of course). The rest of the time, I will be wandering around the convention and hunting cosplayers to photograph.

Other plans for this month include expanding the character profile pages, once I find suitable images.


I also am about to embark on the next stage of a Seekrit Projekt I’ve been working on. I’ve done the research stage and am ready to set things in motion. I just hope this pays off.

Finally, tomorrow marks the end of my Winter vacation. Back to work in the morning.