Captain’s Log Con Nooga 2024

All packed up and waiting for my ride home.

As usual, I spent more than I made, and that was just on food. Plus, I have 3 new necklaces and a new tiara.

Though I thought I was only on 1 panel, I ended up being on 2. Fairytales and Fantasy, and How to Sell Your Book.

I only had a space on Author’s Alley on Sunday, filling the spot left by Patricia Gilliam. (She had to head out Saturday night.) Still, it was a successful convention for me. I sold 4 books, and for the first time, they were all The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe titles!

I also gave 1 copy of Pathway to Downfall to “Con Mommy” as I dedicated the book to her. I thought she was going to cry. She said she’d always wanted someone to dedicate a book to her, and I made her year. We’ve been convention friends for years now, and she’s a loyal reader and a genuinely nice person.

I forgot to tell her our vendor tables at HallowCon this October will be next to each other.

I failed to collect business cards in the dealer room this year, but I can get the info I need from the program app. I’m way behind, like a few conventions, on updating the Smugglers Cove and Hucksters Haven pages. I’m also behind on putting up convention albums on FB.

I learned a few new things for getting my books out there that I may try, time permitting.

Also, the Thing to Buy/Sell this year seems to be lightsabers. There were at least 3 vendors for that item alone. (Star Wars is the predominant preference in Chattanooga, but some Trek was represented.)

Jerry Harwood, director of the Writers Track

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