Your Attention Please


First: The Girl Who Fell from the Sky: The Adventuires of Pigg & Woolfe Season One is now available to purchase on Amazon. This volume will be a print-only book, as the individual episodes are ebook only. Inside, you will find episodes 1-12, an in-between-the-episodes vignette which is a bit …steamy, a world building monograph on ghosts-of-the-sky, and the line art of the original episode ebook covers offered as coloring pages.

List price is $12.95 USD.

PLEASE buy one for yourself and another for a friend! PLEASE

Second: A brain hurricane hit me Wednesday on how to flesh out the final third of Hunting the Dragon, Waves of Darkness book 8. Naturally, the ideas came flooding while I was WORKING and unable to write them down, or begin incorporating them. Still, they are fresh in my mind, and the weekend is ahead.

Third: I am researching character details for a potential illustration commission. I still have to touch base with the person who proposed this deal to work out some specifications and the actual contract. For now, that is all the info I’m willing to divulge. I don’t want to jinx things.

Thank you for your attention.