Episode 10 In the Works

My dogwood a couple of weeks ago. Just because.

The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe: 10 Rescue at Sea will be uploaded either this weekend or next. It depends on how long it takes me to finish the cover. I’ve got a good start on it, but just learned my work days are getting LONGER again, starting today.

In the meantime, I want to wish a blessed Easter weekend in advance to all my readers who observe the holiday.

Story Steps

Step one: WRITE IT!

Step two: edit and revise the hell out of it.

Step three: Submit or query it. BE SURE TO FOLLOW THE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES! !!!! I cannot emphasize this enough.

Step four: write something else while you wait for a rejection or acceptance from the publisher or agent you sent it to.

Step five: Repeat step two. If it was accepted, you’ll do this with editorial feedback. If it was rejected, you’ll do this to prep it for a different editor, agent, or publisher.

Right now, Ghost of Honor is at step three. I sent it to D. Alan Lewis at VooDoo Rumors this morning for consideration for inclusion in the HallowCon anthology.

Let the waiting game begin.