
I am running late on publishing this month’s episode of The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe. I keep getting sidetracked on finishing the cover art.

Microsoft Jigsaw is very addictive. Also, my husband keeps finding really good movies to stream. I am a slug. I still haven’t started formatting Hell’s Dodo: Waves of Darkness Book 5 or plotting book 9. My writing is also stalled.

Captain’s Log: LibertyCon 35

Another LibertyCon has come and gone.

Closing Ceremonies/Let’s Bitch at Brandy

This year’s charity was the Ronald McDonald House. The art/charity auction raised $72k+USD. The final tally from over and above operating costs will be added, announced, and awarded later this year.

While Friday was very busy for me, the rest of the weekend was a bit more relaxing. I got to spend quality time with friends I only see at conventions. I also attended a few panels on the STEM track.

Saturday, on my way to the dealer room for my autograph session, I decided to belt out “Hoist the Colors.” About halfway to my destination, I was joined in song. I enjoyed that.

My duet partner. Thank you again.

Sitting in on the Quantum Brain panel, run by Dr. Robert Hampson and Dr. Travis Taylor was educational. What everyone is calling A.I. is not really A.I. It was fascinating hearing about what’s been discovered about how the human brain actually works.

The two panels I was on were fun. Worldbuilding for Steampunk was moderated by H.P. Holo. Geoffrey Mandragora was supposed to be the moderator but couldn’t make it to the con. my fellow panelist was Charity Ayers. D. Alan Lewis was also supposed to be on the panel but was delayed getting there from Nashville. Arrgh! There be Pirates! was moderated by Charity Ayers. Fellow panelists included Tom Tinney, Nick Steverson, Melissa Olthoff, Robert E. Waters, and Gina Koch. Both panels were well attended and lively.

My shared reading slot Saturday night turned into a solo performance with an audience of one, and he was there for Laura Montgomery, who decided not to stay up that late. The reading was at 10 p.m., when room parties were getting into full swing. I thanked him for sticking around and read Belladonna’s First Drink (I need to update the convention reads on the site to match the 2nd edition versions) and The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe: Episode 30 Divided Forces Part I.

Sales were low this year. I sold two copies of Blood Curse: Waves of Darkness Book 1. I have Larry Correia to thank for those sales. We shared an autograph session time slot, and people were lined up out into the hall for him. He loudly announced to his fans that he would get to all of them, but that there were four other authors present and in need of attention. I sold one copy of The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe: Season 2 Turmoil in Tunilia. At least that was a repeat customer. Still, if I make even one sale, I consider it a successful convention.

I bought a LOT of books, as well as picked up a few from the freebies table. Slowly, I am rebuilding my lost Anne McCaffrey collection, as well as adding a few of her titles I never got around to before.

I’m looking forward to next year, provided I get a ticket before they sell out. Tickets go on sale at noon EDT July 15.