Book Report & Pricing

The original artwork is now in my publisher’s hands, and I’ve already received a proposed cover to approve. Progress is being made.

Next step: editing.

Also, pricing on the print editions will be going up. I was informed last week that LSI, the printer my publisher contracts with, is raising their printing rates. I will keep pricing on the print copies I have in inventory at the original rates for HallowCon. I don’t have any more events this year after that. The new prices will be charged at Chattacon next January.

Ebook pricing will not change.

If you plan to attend HallowCon, this is your last chance to get signed copies at the lower price. I’ll also be selling copies of book 7, Maelstrom of Fate, at below retail for this convention. I plan to have 10 copies each of all seven titles in the Waves of Darkness series available.

That’s 70 books.

For the love of all you hold holy, don’t make me have to haul all that back home after the convention.


Maelstrom of Fate Cover Art Complete


Of course I still need to take the painting to Staples and have it scanned and scaled down to the correct 6″ x 9″ size. The painting is 9″ x 13.5″, acrylic on canvas board.


For anyone wondering, since I only mentioned the fact in a couple of places in the entire 7 book series, Viktor Brandewyne is half Cherokee, hence the darker complexion. (It’s mentioned in Blood Curse during the conversation with Mother Celie about his curse, and in either Black Venom or Hell’s Dodo when Viktor explains to Lady Carpathia why he’s so dark skinned even after being a vampire for a few years. I admit I forget the exact timelines of some of my subplots and have to skim back through the books to pinpoint certain references.)

Here’s the progression of the painting:





And here are close ups of some of the details:


Exploding ships


Mamaan Juma and her zombies


Graveyard and blood red irises



I admit, I’m still not happy with the image of Viktor. I think I got his face too narrow; and I know it will take a lot of practice to get painting a face on a par with my ability to do a colored pencil portrait.

I also apologize for the glare on the image. Acrylic is a rather shiny medium.

The next step after I have a reduced copy made is to scan that into my computer and send it on to my publisher.