Weekend Plans

I know, I know; I said I wouldn’t make any more promises about release dates and such.

I WILL be releasing The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe: 5 Peril in the Philippines on Kindle by October 6th. I’ve already got it properly formatted and am well over halfway through the edits. I start on the cover art today.

I also plan to hit all the pertinent (writing/book promotions) FB groups I’m a member of this weekend with a new promo for this Steampunk serial. It will include purchase links and cover art along with this tagline: Indulge yourself in some cheap thrills this weekend with The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe! Only 99cents per episode! Coming October 6th, Episode 5: Peril in the Philippines! Available only on Kindle.

Oh, and I’ve already thought up a contest to accompany the eventual release of the Season One omnibus. Something to look forward to.

That is all for now. evil-lagh

Another Episode Within a Week? Shocking!


The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe: 4 Chase the Lightning went live on the Kindle Store today!

Do not expect this level of productivity on a regular basis, however. This was only possible for me because of a small shutdown at my day job that gave me 7 days off from work. Yes, I’ve written episodes for nearly three seasons of this serial. Only the first season has made it to second draft on the computer (first drafts are all handwritten). Also, the art for this cover had far fewer fiddly bits to color than the previous ones. On top of that, I’ll be working an average of 55 hours a week or more starting around the end of September and going through the end of the year. That will not leave much free time to work on editing, rewrites, or cover art.

Still, I will strive to get episodes out more frequently than I did with the start of this serial.

I’ve decided to permanently keep the price at $0.99 per episode, by the way.

Looking at the success of some of my fellow indie authors, I really need to start recruiting a “street crew” to help with promotions. I do have a few loyal fans already spreading the word, but I would love for this serial to really take off. I’ve had as much fun writing it as I had writing my Waves of Darkness series.

Oh, and you can always find the covers and purchase links under the Books and Short Stories tab in the menu. There is only one link per title with The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe steampunk serial since I am publishing them through KDP.

I will continue to search for an agent to help me re-launch Waves of Darkness. Viktor has been much on my mind lately, and I may start plotting book 8 when I finish up with drafting season 3 of TAoPaW.

New Episode and a Price Drop!


The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe: 3 In the Woolfe’s Den has gone live on Amazon Kindle!

Yes, I know I promised it a few weeks ago. I’m probably going to stop making promises like that, because every time I do, Real Life manages to make a liar out of me. Guess it’s one of the hazards of being a part-time author with a full-time day job. Also, there was a week delay because my coloring app ate the cover art project and I had to start over.

I am going to start prepping episode 4 later today. So hopefully the wait between episodes won’t be as long.

ALSO, I’ve decided to drop the price on all the episodes from $2.99 down to $0.99. Yes, I could earn a greater royalty percentage on the higher price, but that does no good without a decent volume in sales. I’m hoping more people will be encouraged to check out the serial with more affordable episodes available.

Oh, for those of you who are enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, you can read any episode for free.

Now go, buy and read! Don’t forget to share with your friends and encourage them to buy their own copies!