Captain’s Log Con Nooga 2024

All packed up and waiting for my ride home.

As usual, I spent more than I made, and that was just on food. Plus, I have 3 new necklaces and a new tiara.

Though I thought I was only on 1 panel, I ended up being on 2. Fairytales and Fantasy, and How to Sell Your Book.

I only had a space on Author’s Alley on Sunday, filling the spot left by Patricia Gilliam. (She had to head out Saturday night.) Still, it was a successful convention for me. I sold 4 books, and for the first time, they were all The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe titles!

I also gave 1 copy of Pathway to Downfall to “Con Mommy” as I dedicated the book to her. I thought she was going to cry. She said she’d always wanted someone to dedicate a book to her, and I made her year. We’ve been convention friends for years now, and she’s a loyal reader and a genuinely nice person.

I forgot to tell her our vendor tables at HallowCon this October will be next to each other.

I failed to collect business cards in the dealer room this year, but I can get the info I need from the program app. I’m way behind, like a few conventions, on updating the Smugglers Cove and Hucksters Haven pages. I’m also behind on putting up convention albums on FB.

I learned a few new things for getting my books out there that I may try, time permitting.

Also, the Thing to Buy/Sell this year seems to be lightsabers. There were at least 3 vendors for that item alone. (Star Wars is the predominant preference in Chattanooga, but some Trek was represented.)

Jerry Harwood, director of the Writers Track

Con Nooga Approacheth

Con Nooga starts at noon today at the Chattanooga Convention Center. As a multifandom convention, they have something for just about everyone.

I will be on one of the Writers Track panels Saturday. You can find me somewhere near Room 16, roaming the dealer hall shopping, or hanging out with Con Mommy at the info desk.

Guess It’s Time for an Update

Yeah, yeah, I’m a slug about updating the site; I’ve just been… busy.

Revisions and edits are pretty much complete on The Daedalus Enigma: Waves of Darkness Book 6. Any remaining typos will hopefully be caught in the formatting stage. I’m still pushing for a May release.

I have every intention of getting the cover art done this weekend for the first season 4 episode of The Adventures of Pigg & Woolfe: Episode 37 Aftermath. The editing is already done.

If I ever release a hardcover version of Waves of Darkness, it’ll probably be an omnibus volume of the entire Sisters of Power story arc. Recently, I’ve had ideas for lovely (hopefully) black & white/greyscale illustrations to use in such a volume. What can I say? I need to learn the newer version of the PenUp app, since they want to overcomplicate brush/tool selections on it now. At least that app is still free and not Apple-centric (I’m still pissed at Adobe for their bias against Android devices).

In more Waves of Darkness news: I am expanding on the original 1st draft of Waves of Darkness Book 8: Hunting the Dragon. When I started looking back at the files, I thought my computer had eaten some of the chapters. I only found 18 chapter files plus the Once Upon a Tide… in my file library. Turns out I told the entire story in only 18 chapters. That is entirely too short.

While I still hope to release book 8 in 2025, I may have to push back the May date to later in the year.

No, I still haven’t started plotting book 9. I also haven’t finished writing season 4.